A Deadly Day in Myanmar as Police Kill Protestors in bloody coup

A deadly crackdown begins with police opening fire on a crowd of hundreds of protestors

General Min Aung Hlaing, Commander of the Myanmar military (GETTY/IMAGES)

Published By: News Desk
at 12:00 a.m. March 1, 2021


MYANMAR — On behalf of the country’s civilian elected government, Ambassador Kyaw Moe Tun, appealed to the United Nations “to use any means necessary to take action against the Myanmar military” and restore democracy to the Southeast Asian country. A day later the Myanmar Police would open fire on demonstrators in several different cities killing at least 18 and signaling a new toughness in response to the people’s demand for the restoration of democracy and an end to the military coup lead by General Min Aung Hlaing of the Myanmar military. General Hlaing claims that the electoral roll was compromised and the election commission was not taking seriously complaints of voter fraud and other irregularities after counsellor and incumbent Auung San Suu Kyi was reelected as the nation’s leader. Hlaing promises new elections will be held in Myanmar after a yearlong state of emergency.

Auung San Suu Kyi

How Auung San Suu Kyi came to power

Suu Kyi is the nation’s most popular politician and became Myanmar's de facto leader after her party won the 2015 elections, though the constitution barred her from being president. Suu Kyi is a fierce antagonist of the Myanmar military, and her efforts to promote democracy while the military put her under house arrest, won her the Nobel Peace Prize. Once in power, Suu Kyi took to the international stage to defend her government's crackdown on Rohingya Muslims in the country's west — a campaign of which the United States and other allied nations have labelled genocide. Now facing a brazen coup by her political opposition in military, Suu Kyi faces an attack on the fragile democracy of which she's campaigned for in the past while her reputation internationally has suffered from her government's Muslim crackdown. Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy party would have been installed for a second five-year term in office after a recent election, until Myanmar’s military, lead by General Min Aung Hlaing, blocked parliament from convening and detained her and President Win Myint, as well as other top members of Suu Kyi's government.


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