Jenna Ryan and the difference between Terrorism and Insurrection

Jenna Ryan is being called a terrorist. But is there a difference between a terrorist and insurrectionist?

Texas Realtor Jenna Ryan at U.S. Capitol

Published By: News Desk
at 12:00 p.m. January 29, 2021


Texas realtor Jenna Ryan was arrested by the FBI and charged for her role in the U.S. Capitol riot which occured in Washington D.C. after President Trump's "Save America Rally" which was held on January 6, 2021. Jenna Ryan is currently facing charges for "knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority" and "disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds." In a statement of facts the feds say Ryan and others arrived by private plane from Denton, Texas, to Washington D.C. where she made threats in social media posts. In a video posted the day of the riot to her Facebook account, Ryan stated "We're gonna go down and storm the Capitol. They’re down there right now and that's why we came and so that's what we are going to do. So wish me luck." She subsequently tweeted a photo of herself in front of a broken window at the Capitol building along with an additional threat writing "Window at The capital [sic]. And if the news doesn’t stop lying about us we’re going to come after their studios next…"

Ryan entering U.S. Capitol with rioters

Based on her tweets and statements alone, the evidence is seemingly clear that Ryan intended to enter a restricted federal building to disrupt a constitutional process with the certification of then President Elect-Joe Biden being in progress in a session closed to the public. But this is not the discussion here. Since the attack, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has referred to those who participated in the Capitol riots as being terrorist so now we must ask ourselves the larger question; is there a difference between an insurrectionist and a domestic terrorist? According to The Law Dictionary there is. An insurrectionist engages in insurrection which is defined as "a rebellion, or rising of citizens or subjects in resistance to their government. A terrorist engages in terrorism which is defined in Black's Law Dictionary as "the use or threat of violence. to intimidate or cause panic, esp. as a means of affecting political conduct." In Ryan's case, as well as members of the mob that she is accused of conspiring to overturn the election results with, they all unified in rebellion with a common purpose to resist and overturn the 2020 election results which meets the text book definition of insurrection, but does not neatly comport within the definition of domestic terrorism. To call the Capitol rioters domestic terrorist would essentially be the same as calling the American Civil War's Confederate Army, an army of domestic terrorist. There is a clear difference between the two labels and therefore terrorist does not apply to the insurrectionist that participated in the rebellion at the Capitol.


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