What we should learn from Tiger Woods

After his near fatal car accident we should learn the lesson that Tiger taught us

Eldrick Tont "Tiger" Woods (GETTY IMAGES)

Published By: News Desk
at 12:00 a.m. February 28, 2021


A little more than one year after losing arguably the greatest basketball player to ever pick up a basketball in Kobe Bryant, we now find ourselves shocked by the near fatal single vehicular accident involving Tiger Woods, who most revere as the greatest athlete to ever pick up a golf club. Whether you attribute the recent catastrophic events plaguing the people of the United States to religion, coincidence, bad luck, or some reprimand from a higher power you may worship due to perceived injustices, one thing is certain, we are living in a nation that is experiencing dark and volatile times.

Tiger Wood's courtesy Genesis SUV after crash(AP)

Woods was reportedly on his way to a film shoot when the near fatal accident occurred. Social media posts showed him with retired NBA superstar Dwyane Wade and actor David Spade on a golf course a day before the accident, and multiple reports said he was scheduled to shoot again with celebrities. So why would the greatest golf icon in the history of the world risk it all by traveling at a high rate of speed to meet his professional obligations? The answer to that question is a simple one. Woods was running late. Sure we could point out countless individuals who’ve perished in car accidents due to falling asleep behind the wheel, or texting while driving, and in some cases even while enjoying a rushed lunch in the middle of high velocity traffic. But to lose another athlete to a reason as benign as he was not on time to a professional obligation would have been nearly unbearable and provides a cause for us all to examine the unnecessary dangers we may place ourselves in all for the sake of being on time to some event or appointment. The underlying message to this opinion piece is when you’re running late, be mindful that what is meant to happen, usually always happens, and if you’re going to be late, there’s no need to risk it all because chances are no matter how much you rush you’re still going to be late. So take it easy my friends and fellow commuters. Let’s all learn from Tiger’s mistake and the next time you’re running late slow down, and even take the necessary time you need. In doing so you just might secure being on time to the most important meeting of them all, which is the moment you walk through the door after a long day’s work to be greeted by your loved ones who are the people that matter to you the most.


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